Don't miss out on your free benefits.

To stay up to date about Accuro's Active and Loyalty benefits, as well as other news, call us on 0800 222 876 or email us at to let us know your email address.

Here are some of our Active and Loyalty benefits:

Best Doctors

Do you have questions about a medical condition, treatment plan or surgery?  

Best Doctors is a free, independent and confidential service, available to all Accuro members with a hospital and surgical plan.  It is designed to help you better understand any medical condition you may be experiencing or to provide an expert opinion for any prescribed treatment plan or impending surgery you may have scheduled.  The Best Doctors service provides you with a comprehensive personal medical report including:

  • An overview of your condition
  • An in-depth explanation of your test results
  • Your options for treatment and the pros and cons of each
  • Further resources

Find out more about Best Doctors 

Mental Health Navigator

It's important to acknowledge everyone goes through hard times, and sometimes your mental health and wellbeing might not feel as good as you'd like.  

If you are experiencing feelings of anxiety, worry, fear or a general sense of not coping, Mental Health Navigator is available free for Accuro members with the Specialist plan. 

Find out more Mental Health Navigator


Health Hub

As a member of Accuro, you have free access to Health Hub, an online wellbeing platform.
Complete a simple health questionnaire and receive customised content to help you to achieve your health goals. 
There is also a wide and continually growing range of health resources including articles, video clips, recipes, workout ideas, competitions, and special offers on a variety of products and services.

Find out more and how to register here.


New Zealand has the worst skin cancer rates in the world. In order to help New Zealanders stay on top of their skin health, Accuro provides free access to the SkinVision app for all of its members.

The SkinVision app is intended to help you track the health of your skin and detect skin cancer at an early stage. 

Visit our SkinVision page to find out how to access the app and obtain your promo code, which gives you 12 months free unlimited use.

* Please check your policy document for the Loyalty & Active benefits that you are eligible for under your plan.