In the context of insurance this risk can be particularly acute due to the complexity of products and policy information, and the consequences of non-disclosure of health conditions when it comes to underwriting and claims.
At Accuro we take a proactive approach to understand the nature and extent of recognisable/identifiable vulnerabilities present in our target market and customer base, and the potential needs that therefore arise.

Drivers and characteristics of vulnerability


Health or disability

Health conditions or illnesses that affect the ability to carry out day to day tasks.
Examples include:

  • Physical disability
  • Severe or long-term illness
  • Hearing or visual impairment
  • Poor mental health
  • Low mental capacity or cognitive disability


Life Events

Major life events that disrupt a person’s usual activities, causing substantial change and readjustment.
Examples include:

  • Caring responsibilities
  • Bereavement
  • Income shock
  • Relationship breakdown



Low ability to withstand financial or emotional shocks.
Examples include:

  • Low or erratic income
  • Over indebtedness
  • Low emotional resilience
  • Lack of support structure
  • Victim of violent crime
  • Customer is elderly and/or living alone, without any family support



Low knowledge of financial matters or low confidence in managing money.
Examples include:

  • Low knowledge or confidence in managing financial matters
  • Poor literacy or numeracy skills
  • Low English language skills
  • Poor or non-existent digital skills
  • Learning impairment


If you need help providing extra care to a vulnerable customer you have identified please reach out to our team.